2019 $175,000 LONG BEACH OPEN
Conditions of Competition
Play is governed by the USGA Rules of Golf, Effective January 2019, the Local Rules as described in the Notice to Competitors distributed to players at the tournament site, and these Conditions of Competition. Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule or Condition is the General Penalty.
THE COMPETITION: The tournament is a 72-hole gross competition, with a cut after 36 holes to the lowest 60 professionals and ties and lowest 6 amateurs and ties. The amateurs do not count in the professional cut. If the 36-hole cut includes more than 70 professionals, there will also be a 54-hole cut to 60 professionals and ties.
TEE TIMES & PAIRINGS: Round One and Round Two starting times have been posted to this Long Beach Open portal prior to the beginning of the tournament. Round Three and Final Round starting times will be determined based upon relative standings, and posted on the Long Beach Open portal by 8:30 PM on Friday, August 9th and Saturday, August 10th, respectively. The format for Round Three and Round Four starting times will be an inverted “U”, utilizing split tees from 8:00 AM to approximately 10:00 AM.
DRESS CODE: All players must wear appropriate professional golf attire. Players may not wear shorts, tank tops, tee shirts or jeans. Caddies may wear golf shorts, but they must wear collared shirts.
CODE OF CONDUCT: By submitting an entry for the Long Beach Open, the contestant understands that he/she may be removed from the competition by the Open’s Competition Committee at any time before or during the competition for unbecoming conduct, including, but not limited to:
- Willful damage of the golf course or golf course property
- Club throwing
- Offensive, threatening, or unbecoming language or actions
- Verbal abuse of Long Beach Golf Festival staff, officials, volunteers, host club staff, or other competitors
- Potential endangerment of others
- Manipulation of scores posted for handicapping purposes or other acts of cheating
TIME OF STARTING: All players must be present at the proper tee at their scheduled time, ready to play, or if starting times fall behind, when the starter calls the first player in the group to play. Any player not present and ready to play at the time the first player in the group is called to the tee, shall be assessed the General Penalty. If the competitor arrives more than five (5) minutes late for his assigned or adjusted starting time he SHALL BE DISQUALIFIED.
TEE MARKERS & HOLE LOCATIONS: Competitors will play from the logo’ed LONG BEACH OPEN tee markers. Hole Location Sheets will be available at the Starter’s table for all rounds.
CONFORMING EQUIPMENT LISTS: For driver heads, Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect (Model Local Rule G-1). For golf balls, Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect (Model Local Rule G-3). Regarding club grooves and punch-mark specifications, Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect (Model Local Rule G-2).
DISTANCE-MEASURING DEVICES: Hand-held or other devices (yardage or GPS devices) may be used, but ONLY to measure distance. Players using devices with features that gauge or measure other conditions in addition to distance (e.g. wind or gradient) must switch those feature(s) off during tournament play (Rule 4.3a). The General Penalty will be assessed for a first violation, and the player will be Disqualified for a second violation.
CADDIES: Caddies are allowed, under the following conditions:
- Caddies may drive or ride in the cart of the player for whom they are caddying. They may not, however, drive a cart if the player for whom they are caddying has chosen to walk the round.
- Caddies must not hold up play or challenge Rules Committee or Tournament Officials' directions.
- No spectators will be allowed to ride in carts with players at any time during tournament play. Consequently, any non-competing individual riding in a cart with a player is thereby designated as a Caddy, and therefore subject to the provision of Rule 10.3c for any breach of the Rules of Golf. Please note that because of this policy, anyone (other than another player) that rides in a player’s cart immediately becomes, by definition, that player’s caddy—potentially placing the player in breach of the Rules pertaining to multiple caddies.
PROMPT PACE OF PLAY: Rule 5.6b states "A round of golf is meant to be played at a prompt pace.” Accordingly, the Committee has established the following Local Rules: A group is deemed out of position when starting the play of any par 4 or par 5, which is clear of all players, and the elapsed time for the round averages 15 minutes or more for the holes completed. In such case, all players in the group shall be notified that they are being observed and timed. A player is subject to penalty if his group is out of position, has been informed that they will be timed, and takes more than 40 seconds to play ANY stroke. Penalties for failure to maintain a prompt pace are as defined: First offense – warning; second offense – one stroke; third offense – two additional strokes; fourth offense – Disqualification.
SCORECARDS: Signed and attested scorecards shall be returned, without delay, to the designated scoring area following the stipulated round. Once the player has exited the designated scoring area the card is deemed officially submitted.
WHEN COMPETITION IS FINAL: The Competition is closed when the Trophy has been presented at the Awards Ceremony.
PLAYOFF: In case of a tie for first place, there will be a sudden death playoff to decide the winner. The playoff will start on a tee designated by the Committee, and will begin within five minutes of the Committee’s approval of final scores and determination that a tie exists.
PLAYER EARNINGS AND DISTRIBUTION: The winner of the 2019 Long Beach Open will receive $33,000. All players who successfully complete 72 holes are guaranteed a minimum of $795. All players who successfully complete 54 holes but do not complete 72 holes, due to injury or illness, or as a result of missing the secondary cut, will receive $500. All players who successfully complete 36 holes and make the cut, but do not successfully complete 54 holes due to injury or illness will receive $400.